What is the HIV Early Screen test, and how does it work?

 AIDs (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ) is a life-threatening situation that is caused due to HIV (Humana Immunodeficiency Virus), damages the entire immune system, and makes the body incapable of fighting against certain infections and diseases. 

HIV is a type of sexually transmitted infection that is spread through sexual contact, either through semen, vaginal fluid, and body fluid. It is also spread by using the injection and syringe of the infected person and also transferred from the mother to the child while breastfeeding or during childbirth. Quick medication is needed to strengthen the weakened immune system so the body can fight against severe infection and disease. 

Since there is no cure, you must take the medication soon to prevent its effect on the body. Advanced medical technology and science have made it possible to provide relief from the harmful impact of the disease. 

HIV early detection test helps in knowing the disease sooner so that the doctor can give you immediate medication and treatment. Read more to have complete information about the test and how it works. Also, get tips on controlling its effect on the body. 

HIV Early Screen Test:- Overview 

The HIV Early Screening Test finds whether you are infected with HIV or not. HIV damages particular cells of the immune system and decreases the ability of the immune system to fight against harmful diseases. Therefore, the body gets prone to serious health issues. 

The disease usually occurs when a person has had sex with the infected person, has multiple sex partners, or has sex with the same gender. A high level of HIV in the blood leads to AIDS, which is the final and dangerous stage of the disease, where the body faces difficulty fighting against the disease due to a weakened immune system. The disease can become life-threatening as the body cannot fight against disease or infection. The severe impact of the disease can also lead to cancer. 

Many people with HIV don’t get AIDS quickly if they take proper medications at the right time. Getting the test at the right time can save you from the harmful consequences of the diseases. Furthermore, you also need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Staying healthy is beneficial for you and also prevents transmission of the virus.  

If you notice that you have currently going through the symptoms of HIV, then you must move to your nearest diagnostic center for effective testing and treatment. The early the HIV test, the better it will be for your health. 

Let’s know about the symptoms of HIV:- 

The symptoms of HIV are:- 

  • High Fever

  • Swollen lymph node

  • diarrhea

  • Headache

  • Nausea

  • pneumonia

If you are going through the same symptoms, do the test as soon as possible before it becomes a severe health issue. A well-established diagnostic center gives you the best test result and health services.

Importance of the HIV Test 

The HIV screening test finds out the invasion of HIV in the blood and sees how much it has affected your body. Apart from this, the test protects you from exposure to the disease so that you can take proper medication to prevent spreading HIV to other people. 

Need for the HIV Test 

A person in the age group of 13 to 64 needs to get tested with HIV screen at least once a year as a part of daily health care, as per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). 

The need for the test increases when a person has unprotected sex with the infected person or has shared the needles and syringes of the infected person, having sex with the same gender. A pregnant woman should also take a test for HIV so that it is not transmitted to her baby. 

The chances of HIV increase when a person has sex in exchange for money, which is common in prostitutes. It is common in people with Sexually Transmitted Diseases like Syphilis. Consult with your doctor before sitting for the HIV test as the types of HIV tests depend upon your symptoms. 

The doctor may ask you for an HIV test if you are pregnant, as it is a transferable disease and can pass from the mother to the child. It is either transferred during childbirth or during breastfeeding. The doctor prescribes certain medicines which reduce the effects of HIV and also prevent it from passing to the child. 

Summing up 

If you want to keep yourself protected from exposure to HIV, you must take the HIV test at least once a year. Apart from this, you also need to add nutritious foods to your diet to strengthen your immune system and make the body strong enough to fight any infection or disease. 

Follow up with your doctor on the symptoms you are currently facing and get an effective solution from the doctor’s end. Also, choose the right diagnostic center for the prompt result. 



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